Certain foods are best avoided throughout the course of orthodontic treatment.

If you have chosen to have braces fitted, you can expect a healthier, straighter and more beautiful smile once your treatment is complete. That said, it does take some commitment and effort to achieve optimal results. One of the factors that can affect your treatment is your diet — there are certain dietary changes that you might need to make in order to get the most out of your braces and prevent damages and delays. Read on to find out which foods are best avoided during your orthodontic treatment, and which ones are suitable to eat while you straighten your teeth…

What to eat when you first get braces

Although the process of having braces fitted should not cause you any considerable discomfort, it is completely normal to experience some sensitivity while you adjust to your new appliances. As you get used to the sensation of your braces and the pressure that they exert on your teeth, it is best to stick to soft foods that are easy to eat. Some good foods to try during this time include mashed fruits and vegetables like potatoes and avocadoes; stewed apples and pears; soups; yoghurt; scrambled eggs; and soft cheeses.

There are a few foods that are best avoided immediately after you have had your braces fitted. These include foods that can cause irritation, pressure and sensitivity when you eat them — examples include spicy and citrus foods; certain breads and thick pieces of meat.

Within a week or so, any sensitivity that you feel should begin to subside and you will be able to incorporate more foods into your diet.

What not to eat with braces

Braces are made from strong and durable materials, but they are, unfortunately, still vulnerable to damage. For this reason, there are certain foods that you should avoid completely throughout the course of your treatment. Sticky and hard foods, for example, can cause severe damage to the components of your braces, and could even cause your brackets to detach from your teeth.

While you have braces, you should not eat whole nuts; popcorn; hard and chewy candy; crunchy fruits and vegetables; hard chips and crackers; and hard breads like bagels.

It is also advisable that you limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks — these contribute to the build-up of plaque, which can be difficult to remove when you have braces.

When to see your orthodontist

If you do eat something that is particularly hard, sticky or crunchy and you notice some damage to your braces as a result, it is very important that you see your orthodontist as soon as possible, especially if you have a broken wire or band. Your orthodontist will be able to repair the issue and prevent further damage to your appliances, as well as potential injury to your mouth. By ignoring damages to your braces, it is possible to delay the results of your treatment.

How can we help?

At Dental Artistry, we offer a range of orthodontic solutions for patients of all ages. These include metal braces; tooth-coloured braces; lingual braces; and clear aligners (known as Invisalign). If you are considering orthodontic treatment for yourself or your child, we encourage you to come in and see us for a consultation. Our team will guide you through your treatment of choice and address any concerns that you might have along the way. If you have any questions about the foods that you can and can’t eat with braces, please don’t hesitate to raise them with our friendly team.

To find out more about the orthodontic services that we provide at Dental Artistry, please have a look here.

If you would like to find out more about the range of dental treatments that we provide, or to arrange an appointment, please give us a call on 09 524 4541 or get in touch with us here.